Academics Details

Fees should be deposited regularly in between 5th and 20th of every month. Failing to it may cause a fine Rs. 25/- in the first month. Holiday may not count on it and a request for exemption from fine may not be entertained. Fees will not be deposited without a fee card. In case of loss of card, a duplicate one has to be issued by paying a sum of Rs.10/- Board or non - Board students have to pay their complete fees before their respective examination. All fees should be cleared before the respected dates announced.
No fees will be collected on school office holidays.
If the 20th of any month is a holiday, the fees can be deposited on the next working day without any fine.

CBSE has introduced continuous and comprehensive evaluation system from classes VI -X parents are requested to visit the CCE corner in CBSE website From time to time to access the latest and updated information regarding CCE.
- The academic session is divided into two terms that is, from April to September and October to March, each having two formative and one summative assessment for classes I to X and Mid year and Promotion Examination for classes XI & XII.
- Wednesday test is conducted in the Zero period on Wednesday's as per the schedule. If a particular Wednesday happens to be a holiday the test meant for that day will be conducted on very next working day.
- It is mandatory to appear in Wednesday tests/Formative Assessment (FA) And Summative Assessment (SA) /Examination
- Every student is required to get a minimum qualifying grade or above in all main subjects as per scheme of study for the purpose of promotion to next higher class.
- Those students whose performances are not found to be satisfactory will be asked to repeat. Those who repeats twice in the same class will be asked to leave the school
- Pre - Board examination covering the syllabus of second term / whole syllabus will be conducted for classes X and XII respectively.
- Minimum attendance required in each term for appearing in the assessment / examination is 85%. Those who fail to get the equisite attendance will not be allowed to appear.
Passing Criteria
TERM – 1(100MARKS) | TERM- 2(100MARKS) | FINAL(100+100)/2 =100 |
PT1(10)+ NBS(5)+SEA(5)+HY(80) | PT1(10)+ NBS(5)+SEA(5)+ANNUAL(80) | =100 |
TERM – 1(100MARKS) | TERM- 2(100MARKS) | FINAL(100+100)/2 =100 |
PT1(10)+ NBS(5)+SEA(5)+HY(80) | PT1(10)+ NBS(5)+SEA(5)+ANNUAL(80) | (Final Result Based on Term-2) |
PT1(5)/PT2(5)/PT3(5) = AVE OF BEST 2PT’S(5) +PORT (5) + MA(5) +SEA(5) + ANNUAL (80) = FINAL (100)
PT1(10%) +HY(10%) + PT2(10%) + ANNUAL (70%) = FINAL(100)MARKS

- No leave of absence will be sanctioned except on written application from the parents / guardians showing the valid reason. One day's leave should be addressed to the class teacher who will sanction it. Up to three days, the letters has to be submitted to the Vice - Principal only. The principal will sanction more than three days leave only. Parents have to enter details of absence in the diary also.
- No leave will be granted to any student for out of station reason. Prior Permission has to be taken for reasons like going to village, to attend a Function, etc which are known to the parents before hand.
- No leave will be sanctioned during Tests / Assessments expect on medical Ground.
- A student who is absent without prior information for more than ten days Consecutively will have his/her name removed from the roll, application for re-activation. Principal reserves the right of re-activation.
- Absence because of illness has to be reported to the school within two days.
- A leave application on medical ground must be sent along with a proper Medical certificate and medical prescription.
- Students who absent themselves on special working days such as Saturdays, Last working days prior to examinations, vacations, and on re-opening day will be fined heavily. If on any day the attendance of particular class becomes Less that 85%, all students remaining absent on that day shall be charged a special fine as decided by the school. Those students who have taken prior permission in writing for grant of leave would be exempted from this fine. Those absent on medical grounds should report the matter over phone or in person by the parent and submit medical certificate along when they rejoin the school.
- 85% attendance is compulsory for appearing in summative assessment / Promotion examination to the next higher class those in board examination classes will have to fulfill the regulation regarding attendance as per CBSE norms.
- A student may be asked to leave the school on the grounds of irregularity in Attending classes.
- Absentees will lose internal assessment marks/grades.
- No short leave during the working days will be granted. If the child is found genuinely ill, the parents will be called to take the student back from the school. For any other reason on request of the parent if the child goes early 'LEAVE' will be marked in the attendance register.
- Parents are requested to verify the attendance of their ward regularly, Especially during Parents Teacher Meetings.

- Parental co- operation is indispensable for the proper education of children parents are advised to check the diary daily for any communication in the form of circular/invitation instruction or letter and time table for tests and examinations before contacting the school office in person for any clarification.
- Visiting students or teachers during working hours is strictly forbidden. Permission is to be obtained from the principal for the same.
- Any communication made by the parent/guardian should be addressed to the principal through the class teacher. In any correspondence all details of the student including admission number will have to be mentioned.
- Any change in address or telephone number must be intimated to the school office at the earliest.
- Parents must ensure that their wards enter all details on the students particular page of the diary and get it signed by them.
- Parents should make sure that their wards take care of their belongings properly and do not keep any valuable articles / cash in their bag while coming to school .
- No exemption will be given to any student for staying away from class / exams / tests or other school functions, programmes and celebrations. Parents should not approach the school authority for short leave unless it is very urgent .Gate pass to be obtained from the principal /vice principal before leaving the school with the ward.
- Parents should make that their wards reach school on time as well as return home after the school hours within a reasonable time. It the late comers to school are penalized in whatsoever way, which may include closing of gate at the second bell, parents should not question the authorities. School authorities will not take any responsibility of the students after the school working hours.
- Criticism of teacher or of the school should be strictly avoided as it causes the child to lose his/her respect for teacher.
- Parents should not enter the classroom for any reason or loiter in the school corridors without the permission of the Principal.
- Mobile phone, i-pod & camera are strictly prohibited in school premises. Once confiscated will not be returned.
- The cultural and co-curricular activities of the school are conducted through the house system. Hence all students are urged to take active part in it.
- If the students use Motor Bike /Scooter /Mopeds without license, the school authority will not take any responsibility for any unto ward incident.
- Certificates, concession forms, recommendation letters will be issued only two days after an application has been submitted to the office.
- No signature other than specimen signature in the diary will be accepted on the regularity record, report card etc.
- A student found guilty of breaking school regulations or committing any act of indiscipline in liable to be punished at the discretion of the principal.
- No books (other than text books and School library books) may be brought to school.
- Parents are advised not to give pocket money for their wards for celebration of birthdays and exchange gifts in the School Premises.
- Any temporary adjustment in the mode of conveyance, must be intimated to the incharge / Vice principal without fail.
- Students of classes V-XII are permitted to wear only school uniform on their birthdays.
- Valuable jewellery, facial makeup like eye make up applying nail polish & colouring of hair & henna decoration on arms & feet is strictly prohibited in the school. Application of henna should be restricted to inner side of the palm.

We request all to contribute and make a conscious effort to educate the less Fortunate of our country. Let us not forget that the purpose of education is for The betterment of mass, society and whole mankind while trying to observe the School rules and regulations, students are asked to cultivate a spirit of willing collaboration rather that a spirit of mere submission. In the way, they will learn to act out of conviction and not out of fear of punishment.